About Tradewind Capital
The TradeWind Equity Fund is a long/short hedge fund which allocates to sectors on a top down basis and selects stocks on a fundamental bottom-up basis. The fund is managed by Leen den Hollander, with over 30 years of experience in European and especially Benelux equity investments. The fund manager has a well established track record in long and short portfolios.
The objective of TradeWind Equity Fund is to realize capital growth and weathering adverse market circumstances for its investors by engaging in long and short positions. Through its proprietary research TradeWind focuses on shifts in company strategy, financial health and profitability. The Fund is biased towards Dutch companies and adds-on unique cherry picked European companies to complete the risk / reward profile.
In order to maintain a much lower risk profile than general equity funds, the fund varies its exposure to markets ranging from 100% long to 100% short.
‘ Trade Wind, go with the flow ‘

Leen den Hollander (1968)
Managing Director
Dutch. 33 years of professional asset management experience for major institutions like AXA, Kempen & Co and Delta Lloyd, well known asset managers for active value approaches. Kempen and Delta Lloyd are both award winning asset managers in value investing in Europe. He ran various portfolios during his career, such as, a Dutch equity portfolio, various Pan European all cap portfolios and global portfolios. His final position before starting up Trade Wind Capital B.V. was the global head of equities at Delta Lloyd with EUR 9 bln. equities under management and EUR 65 bln. total assets under management. He is experienced and skilled in all global markets but specialized in value investing in Europe and top down strategy. Prior to joining Delta Lloyd he ran a Cayman based hedge fund for 3 years. He holds a bachelors degree in Business Economics and is a CFA, Chartered Financial Analyst, RBA and Effas.
Tradewind Capital
Van Heuven Goedhartlaan 935 A
Space 6
1181 LD Amstelveen
Tel: +31 6 5324 3425
Fax: +31 205 707 244
Email: info@tradewindcapital.eu